Saturday, November 1, 2008

November 1st

I feel that Thanksgiving is one of those holidays that gets much less attention than other holidays. I love Thanksgiving! Of course, Thanks-Living should be an everyday occasion in our lives. We have so much to be thankful for. Even with everything that is wrong in this world; there is alot of things that are right. First and foremost, I am a born-again Christian. No matter what comes my way or happens to me or around me; I will go to heaven when this life comes to an end for me. Secondly, not only am I saved, I feel that precious-unconditional love from my Savior each and every day, every moment of my life. Unconditional is such a wonderful word! Sometimes people don't love when we mess up or let them down, but God just wipes me off and helps me up, and keeps on loving even when I struggle to be what He wants me to be, and even when I'm at my very worst. It is He who sent His Only Begotten Son to seek and to save even when we were unlovable. Thirdly, I have had an awesome life! Money, Fame, Riches,... no, not really an overflowing abundance, but I can tell you, I've always-always had what I've needed. You can tell by looking at me, I've not missed a meal. There's a roof up above me, I've a good place to sleep. There's food on my table, and shoes on my feet. You gave me your love Lord and a fine family. Thank You Lord for your blessings on me.
I have been blessed with loving, kind parents, grandparents, a very patient, Christian, number one husband, two beautiful (inside and out) children, lots of friends, a love for little things; I could go on and on and on! So, each day of this month, I will try to post something about Thanksgiving or Thanksliving. Count your blessings, name them one by one. Count your blessings, see what God has done.

I Thes. 5:18
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Thanks for this post! Just what I needed this morning! I am thankful for the encouragement I receive from some of the blogs I frequent, including yours!