Friday, October 24, 2008

Noelle JoBeth

Poor Noelle is going to start leaking something she needs if she gets stuck with a needle much more this week. Tue., she got a flu shot at the bank. (her first) Wed., she had a reaction to the flu shot, so she got a cortizone shot to counteract the reaction. Then, yesterday, she had to have a blood test at the dermatologist.

One more week- she will be 20!!!!! I'm trying to be a big girl and enjoy this time and make it very special for her. She gets to choose where we eat a week from tomorrow. I have her gifts already, hidden of course. We celebrate birthdays for days around here! My mother and daddy are taking her out tonight for her special occasion. Our whole family gets to go!
Noelle is feeling the effects of growing up. Everyones schedules are so hectic and busy now. She used to get together with all her buddies just at the drop of a hat, but now, it's alot of working around this and that and planning WAY ahead to get people together.

Noelle and I went to the mall yesterday after she went for her appointment.
I have been to the mall several times since Barnes and Noble opened, but wouldn't go in there
because I knew how much Noelle wanted to go, so I wanted to wait and she and I experience the first Barnes and Noble visit together. So, we get to the door way, we stop, I say, "Ok, are you ready? This is it- our first Barnes and Noble experience!" We savor the first few steps. We step inside. I say, "ummm, smell." Was this book heaven? My first thought was SO MANY BOOKS, SO LITTLE TIME AND MONEY. We used our coupon for a free latte', paid for one of them. We ooohed and ahhhhed for around an hour and left feeling like we had only scanned the surface. WE WILL RETURN!

So, my day with Noelle was a good day, as usual. She's my kindred spirit, especially when it comes to eating and shopping! We enjoyed a late lunch at Taco Bell, her favorite fast food place.
We popped in VF for her some jeans, and then headed home.

Have I mentioned lately that I'm so blessed and happy I can hardly contain myself?
This is one of those walk out on my porch and yell, I AM HAPPY-I AM BLESSED-THANK YOU GOD mornings! Thank you God for being so gracious and good to this little country bunkin!

1 comment:

Mary Heather said...

It's great that y'all are so close! I am close to my mother and she is close to hers, it's a wonderful thing! Maybe if I have a daughter one day she'll like to spend time with me too! happy birthday to noelle!