Tuesday, December 9, 2008


My heart hurts tonight. My Noelle has such a big heart and she puts me to shame. She is so thoughtful and always so caring about others, and I do honestly care, I just get busy and don't think sometimes like I should. She has been mentioning the soldiers alot lately. She got on the internet at www.anysoldier.com to see what they need and how to go about getting something to them. If you can, go to this website and see if you might could fix a box or even just an encouraging note or card. There are many hurting and needy people out there, and I think that's why my heart hurts. I guess I'm a bit overwhelmed since I've taken the time to actually sit down and think about it. I want to help them all and of course I can't help them all money and gift wise, but I can pray for them all, and I can get the word out about them. I do plan on being more thoughtful to some people including our soldiers in the days ahead, not just at Christmas. It may just be some encouraging words at times, but I do want to do better and think of others more than ever before. Pray for me that I will put actions behind my thoughts.
A small act of kindness is more than a big intention never carried out. JOY equals Jesus, Others, You.

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