Monday, July 6, 2009

My Cup Runneth Over

One day week before last, I was in the grocery store. I saw a friend/relative in line checking out, so I waved at her as I went by. She said, "Liesa, I have a gift for you. I will get it to you soon." I said back to her, "Oh, o.k." I was surprised. She caught me off guard I guess. Last Friday when I got on Face Book, there was a note from her telling me to let her know when a good time and place would be to meet me, so I commented back and told her I'd be at the local restaurant that evening. We had been at the restaurant for a while when I noticed this friend and her daughter coming up the steps on the outside. We were sitting in the corner and I was afraid she'd have trouble finding me, so I got up and met her when she came into the restaurant. She handed me a pretty gold gift bag. I peeped in and saw a beautiful tea cup and saucer. I asked her what I did to deserve a gift...this act of kindness really touched my heart. She said when she saw this cup and saucer, it screamed out 'Liesa'. This lady and I hardly ever see each other. I guess we've talked more on Face book the past several months than we have all of our lives. And how did she know I needed a little nudge of encouragement that day? I do know the answer to that one...God laid me on her heart and she was obedient. Thank you Tammie for the beautiful gift, but most of all for the encouragement and for touching my heart with God's love.
'Songbird Garden' by Rosie B. Farmer

Charity suffereth long, and is kind;...
I Corinthians 13:4


BECKY said...

YAY!! Your blog came up! I couldn't even get on to it before!!

What a sweet gesture from a sweet friend, for an ultra-special lady!!
So glad you got a lift, Liesa. There is nothing like God working through the people in our lives to bless us!! Especially when it is a delightful surprise!

Love to you sweetie!!
Hope you have a great week!

Lois Christensen said...

What a beautiful surprise! And just like our Lord to know what we need! Enjoy your gift!

Marilyn in Mississippi said...

That is just so sweet! What a blessing! And what a great reminder that when God puts something on our heart to do for others we should do it!

Hope you're having a good week!
