My daughter was a teacher's ideal student in school. She loved books, learning, and she was self-disciplined to boot! I, as her mother and teacher, knew that she could go on to college and be anything she wanted to be. Her dream job is that of a 'domestic engineer', but God has not answered that prayer as of yet. Noelle chose to not waste her time sitting around waiting on God to answer her prayer, but she did not have a desire to go to college. Most people could not understand that decision. After she graduated from high school April 27, 2007, she began looking for a job; but not just any job. She put in an application at several banks and libraries. After she put her application in at Community Spirit, she came out and said, "That's the bank I am going to work at." They were not hiring at the time, so she worked at the local restaurant and as a nanny for our neighbors two children, and she did so joyfully. In August of that year, I had surgery that limited my work for six weeks. Noelle and Cale took over everything. It was amazing and such a blessing. I think they did a better job than I do! When Noelle's feet hit the floor in the mornings, she'd start a load of clothes, and then go on in to her daily routine. I was never embarrassed about the house when visitors came. Noelle would call or visit the bank every 90 days to let them know she was still interested in working there, and finally, February 11, 2008, the bank called her. She's been there ever since! She loves her job, she adores the people, she never complains about it and is always up and ready to go in. Noelle had been working a couple of months and the bank graciously offered banking classes to the employees. Some of the classes were at the bank and some of the classes were on line. Noelle took those classes and as of May 27, 2009, she is a certified professional teller, which came with several goodies including a framed certificate, name plate, restaurant gift card and a generous visa. Her dad and I are so very proud of her. We are most proud of the Godly young lady she is and for following the path she felt God was calling her in instead of listening to people's opinions. Noelle applies Proverbs 3:5-6 to her life. She has trusted God with all her heart and leaned not on her own understanding. She has acknowledged Him and He has kept His promise and directed her ways. Noelle is a blessing to our home and from what I hear around town, she's a blessing to all those at the bank that she works with and to the people she serves. I would not be a prouder mother if she had graduated at Harvard or Yale! I tell you folks, I say it yet again: Do what is right, honor God, trust Him, follow Him, He is ever faithful and true! Congratulations to my Noelle JoBeth! Your dad and I are so very proud of you.
*note: Noelle will begin another class when it's offered

Mr. Bolton presenting Noelle with her certificate.
Congratulations to Noelle on this accomplishment! Working at a bank gives her a great opportunity to share the love of Jesus with others and be a testimony for Him. :)
My first job out of high school was as a bank teller. I really enjoyed it. :)
Congratulations to Noelle! You know our older girls didn't follow the typical route either and the Lord has/is blessing as they submit to Him and to their earthly father. Encourage her not to give up on her dream, but to continue doing what the Lord puts in her path.
She might be interested in reading Jasmine Baucham's website...joyullyathome.blogspot.com.
Congratulations Noelle!!! That is a great accomplishment!
Liesa...being a homeschool Mom myself I can relate to just how very exciting it is to see our children excell! You have every reason to be proud of Noelle!
God bless!
Congratulations to Noelle! I love to see girls doing exactly what God has lead them to do, not just what society expects them to do. She can be such a testimony there at the bank, and I'm sure God will continue to bless her!
I'm so happy for Noelle and glad she is doing something that she enjoys. You must be so proud!
So sweet! Congrats to Noelle on this wonderful achievement. What a wonderful way to spread the Lord's love by interacting with the world on a daily basis. Will be praying for her other dream as well!
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