Thursday, August 6, 2009

Kindred Spirits

Several months ago, I started reading a ladies blog that I had found on KJV Blog Directory. Her name caught my eye...Marilyn From Mississippi. Just from reading her blog, I could tell she was a good Christian person and that family, friends, God, church, and serving others were all important things in her life. One day, I got an email from her saying that she had been reading my blog and she had figured out what part of Mississippi I'm from, etc. Come to find out, we only live a little over an hour from each other. She and her husband know my aunt, uncle, and some of my cousins that live in the same area as she. We also knew some of the same preachers in the area. I even went to school with some of her husbands family! Marilyn and I have continued to email each other all these months and had mentioned meeting sometime this summer before I have to start back to school. Tuesday was the day! I really wasn't even nervous about meeting her for the first time because I felt like I already knew her, so it was like seeing and talking to an old friend again. As my momma would say, we talked the horns off a billy goat in our two hour visit! Cale and Josh were with me. They had Cross Country practice that afternoon. I know their ears were tired by the time we got out of the restaurant! Ha. They just sat there quietly and listened. (probably wanting to roll their eyes a few times!) Lol. Mrs. Marilyn brought me a jar of her homemade pear preserves which I am saving for breakfast in my new home in a few weeks. She and I had more in common than I even realized and our visit was a breath of fresh air for me. I assure you, Lord willing, it won't be the last time we get together. Now, isn't God so good to let us meet such precious fellow Christians to encourage us, laugh with us, and listen to us? I hope you'll visit Mrs. Marilyn's blog at Walking In Truth. She will bless the socks off ya! There are some more of you I'd love to meet one of these days... Thank you Mrs. Marilyn for such a delightful afternoon! Let's do it again soon!


Unknown said...

The world getsa little smaller all the time. Marilyn's kids went to the same Christian school that my siblings and I went to. They only went a couple of years (I think) but we have maintained a little contact over the years. They are a great family!

Deborah said...

I'm so glad you were able to meet in person....and glad I could have a small part, by you meeting on the KJV Blog Directory!

Marilyn in Mississippi said...

Wow! Is that ME you're talking about???? ha ha You are just too sweet! I had a really wonderful time also. And "kindred spirits" is the right word for the way I felt also. you also like Anne of Green Gables?

Hope you are having a great week! Mississippi

Lois Christensen said...

What a small world! I'm finding it smaller and smaller also myself these days! I love your post from the previous day on the verse "This is the day..." I wrote a post with the same verse a few days after my father's accident. I chose to find things to be thankful for even through the horrible situation my dad was in. Great post for all of us to remember to do!!!! Thanks for writing it!

Unknown said...

Tell Cale -- great race!! It is so much fun watching him run.