Today, I will share with you the final post about the changes in my life. Remember, these are just the changes that have happened in my life this year, well really, just since the first of May. This change has not been as drastic or devastating to me as the other changes I shared with you in Parts 1 and 2. I guess you would think it should be drastic, but, to me, it hasn't been: not sure why.
As you know, I home schooled my children for most of their school years. I worked outside the home some, but, very little. Well, I AM BACK IN THE WORKING WORLD!
I've always considered myself a "Working woman", because, if you do it correctly and sincerely, being a stay at home wife and mother is very hard work. It is very time consuming, tiring, and quite honestly, it takes brains! It does! There is so much to figure out and so many times, something so very unexpected comes along, and what do you know, you figure it out and make it work, and go on. If a stay at home wife and mom were to be paid monetarily, she'd never have to lift a finger again by the time her children were grown. She would receive a check for the following job titles, and then some: Planner, Organizer, Chef, Nanny, Teacher, Nurse, Disciplinarian, Coach, Decorator, Gardener, Housekeeper, Janitor, Taxi Driver, Laundress, Counselor, Banker, Teller, Cheerleader, Repair-woman, Cosmetologist, Manicurist, Massage Therapist, Actress, Librarian, Entertainer, Body Guard, Police-woman, Secretary, Singer, Dancer, and SO much more. I really could retire on all of that! LOL. But, instead of being set for life with a pay off in money, I am reaping the joy and peace of having Godly, hardworking, responsible, and loving children, and that my friend, is priceless. Would they have turned out the same had I chosen a different route? Maybe. But, Scot and I felt and still feel assured that this was the direction God would have us go in raising our children, and we were just crazy enough to obey. What a journey it was too! Perfect? Goodness no! We struggled in many areas. I confess that sometimes I am not a nice person, especially when I am exhausted. And I confess that I often, alright, VERY often worried way too much, which made me feel stressed. Just because you do what you know is the right thing for you and your family does not guarantee and easy road. My Scot worked extra hard to provide for us, and sometimes even that wasn't enough. We never went hungry or naked, but there were times, we sold something dear to us in order to pay a bill. There were times that we stretched meat and veggies way farther than we thought they could stretch. It was not always like that. There were times of more than plenty, and we would choose to go on a vacation or splurge on a go cart or something frivolous, but, the times I hold on to with all my being are those precious moments that we sat at the table and enjoyed our meals together, played outside in the yard, sat in the porch swing reading and singing, playing in the floor with blocks, barbies, and trucks, rocking the children before bedtime, going to church together, playing at the park, and just knowing that we four were a team through thick and thin, hard or easy. Oh, how blessed I have been!
Scot and I had agreed for years, that as soon as our home school journey was over, I would get a job and help get some bills paid off. Well, that is where we are now in our Life By George. I am a licensed Cosmetologist, but, I have really not had a desire to go back to that field. Remember, my Mother is very sick and I need to be able to help my Daddy take care of her. That is why I was unable to continue babysitting. It tied me down too much. What would I do? I need to help my husband, but I need to be available for my parents. I prayed and prayed and prayed. God knew my heart. He knew that my desire was to be an obedient help meet, but, as an only child, I needed to be of help with my parents also. God knew all of this when I was born, so, I just asked Him to open the door I should enter. I confessed that I had no clue as to what to do or even where to look for a job, and I knew if I acted on my own, I'd surely mess up. My heart was broken from giving up the little boys I had loved so much and taken care of since they were tiny, and the only jobs I had ever had outside the home were in a beauty shop, sewing factory, and schools. A local daycare had closed down a while back, but, under new management, it opened back up a few months ago. Of course, my 'logic' told me that was my sign! You ever do that? lol. I got the job at the daycare, but, schedule-wise, I was really back in the same boat as I was in when I babysat. My employer at the daycare was a very sweet and understanding person, so, when Mother had an appointment, she would let me off with no problems, but, that was a days pay I didn't receive.
I had also put in an application at what I jokingly call 'my home away from home', one of the local grocery stores. I got a phone call one evening from a manager of a new buisiness that would soon be opening in town. She had gotten my application from the grocery store, because the new buisiness would be opening in the same building and under the same owner. And just what do you think the new buisiness is? A HARDWARE!!! Yes, Hardware, as in power tools, hand tools, knives, nails, chains, pipe, paint, glue, caulk, lawn and garden, pest control, and a million and fifteen different kinds of screws, nuts, and bolts! I went in for an interview later that week. I had never been in such an in depth interview in my life! One of the questions was "When was the last time you did something that you didn't have to do for someone, and what was it?" Another was "When you have several tasks that need accomplished, how do you handle it?" I was honest and told them I didn't have an answer for the question about doing something I didn't have to do for someone. I thought that was just a lifestyle. You shouldn't keep up with what you have to do or don't have to do. And the question about multiple tasks was a no brainer..."Lists! I make lots and lots of lists!" The hard part of the interview was when they started taking items out of a brown paper bag and asked me to identify them and tell their use. Oh My Goodness! I failed with flying colors! They said there was no failing to it, but, now that I have learned some things about the items, I know I failed! lol. They called a few days later and told me that I had the job. I had explained my concerns about working and meeting my mother's needs and the obligations I have as a pastor's wife. I also told them that I wanted to give my current employer a fair notice, so that she could have enough time to find a replacement. My manager has been so good to work my schedule around those things. The Hardware is open 13 hours a day, 6 days a week, so therefore, there are enough hours open to work, that as long as I give my manager a fair notice as to my needs, she has no problem in meeting them. I absolutely love my job! I enjoy greeting the people and trying my best to help them find what they need. My job also involves organization, which I love to do. Many skills I had as a full time stay at home mother has come in very handy, even in a hardware. My most favorite department in the hardware is the paint department. I love mixing the paint! Of course, the computer tells me the exact formula, or recipe, as I refer to it, and, I just put in the right parts. I also enjoy helping people in the home and gardening section. My least favorite is the very large department of screws, bolts, and nuts! Why there are so many choices, I have no clue! LOL. I'm learning, but, it will take quite a while. The people I work with are terrific, and, I do believe that I now have the job God intended for me to have after my home school journey. Balancing work and home is very mind boggling at times, but with the help of my wonderful husband and children, we are making it work.
A quick note: A small Craftsman tool box makes a great makeup case! :)