Sunday, November 30, 2008

Favorite Ornaments, Part 1

Noelle loves shoes!
This was her new ornament last year.
Cale enjoys hunting, so this was a perfect ornament for him.

I love ornaments that have to do with school and teaching. I also love churches, houses, and music notes, etc. Noelle has 3 Elvis ornaments. Above is a pic. of the one Mother gave her this year. Cale enjoys baseball. These are 2 of the many baseball ornaments adorning our tree.

Another School ornament.

And what would a tree be in the George home without Curious George?

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Christmas tree by George

We put our tree up and decorated it tonight. This is such a special time for us. The ornaments help us to reflect on Christmas pasts. We have added ornaments each year, especially for Noelle and Cale, and each ornament has it's own unique story. The ornaments represent something that they like or something in particular they are doing during that year. My mother usually buys Noelle and Cale a new ornament each year as well. This year, she got Noelle and "Elvis" ornament and a dove ornament that has a verse about singing on it. She got Cale a "Reese's cup" ornament and a pewter dog ornament that says "a dog leaves paw prints on your heart". If you've read my earlier posts, you know that our dog Snick is so dear to all of our hearts, especially Cale's. I love sitting and looking at our tree with all the lights off except for the lights on the tree.

Devotion from Proverbs 31, Advent All Year, Marybeth Whalen

I receive a devotion each day from Proverbs 31 ministries, and to be honest I don't even read them every day, but thankfully I read this one, and it was a perfect way for me to begin the Christmas holidays. I want to make the holidays, holy days, so this was perfect. I've never even given much thought to the word "advent", so I even learned something this morning. Marybeth Whalen has a website. It is listed under my blog lists if you'd like to visit her site.
By the way, turn your speakers on and enjoy my Christmas music while you read my blog. What a wonderful season!

The word “advent” means “to come.” So the advent season we are entering is a time of preparing for Christ to come. Figuratively, we are to see ourselves in the place of those who sought the newborn Savior: the shepherds, the wise men, Mary and Joseph, Simeon and Anna. This season becomes a time to turn our hearts towards the practice of seeking Him. And indeed, during this festive time on the calendar, many hearts are turned, and many intentions renewed. This is part of the excitement of Christmas!

In the gospels, Jesus refers to the Church as His bride. He speaks of a day when He will come for the Church and there will be a wedding ceremony like no one has ever seen! In the midst of a struggling economy, failing marriages, and brokenness everywhere I look, that is a vision that motivates me beyond my circumstances. And yet, is it a vision that is kept within the confines of Christmas? Or can we look for Jesus to come all year?

When Jesus used the marriage analogy to describe His relationship with His people, He knew that His listeners would attach certain cultural perceptions about marriage to this word picture. In Biblical times, it was common for an engaged couple to spend a year apart. The bride would spend time with her mother and other women she respected, learning to run a household and getting prepared, becoming a student of the desires and expectations of her groom. She took this time very seriously as she readied her heart and life for what was to come. The groom also spent time preparing. He would spend his time making a home for them to live in, the place he would bring his bride to with pride. Both parties had a pivotal role to play.

What a beautiful picture this is for the Church and her Bridegroom! Christ has, as promised, gone to prepare a place for us. While we are apart, we can trust that He is working to build something beautiful. But we have an equally important role to play. While we are apart, we must learn what it takes to be His bride. We must study Him, learning how to keep His house in a way that pleases Him. This is not merely a suggestion, but an expectation. We can’t lose that expectation in the shuffle of changing times and cultures! We know that He keeps His promises, so we can trust that He is building our house for us. Don’t we want to be a bride who is prepared?

Though traditionally the season of advent is hemmed in between the dates of Thanksgiving and New Year’s, let’s not leave it there. Let’s make this season merely the beginning of our preparation for what is to come. We can commit this time that we are apart from our Bridegroom to prepare for Him, to anticipate His return, and to focus not only on when He came, but when He is coming again.

Dear Lord, thank You for coming and thank You for the promise that You will return. Lord, I want to prepare for You as Your bride, learning about You and drawing close to You. Thank You for preparing a place for me and finding me worthy to be Your bride. I want to make my whole life a season of advent—a time of anxiously anticipating what is to come. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Twas The Day After Thanksgiving

I hereby dub myself insane! Yes, I am one of the many that went to combat at Wal-Mart this morning in the name of saving money. I arose out of my warm comfy bed at 3:20 this morning, got my shower, dressed, and made coffee by 4:10. My friend Chrissy whom I dub more insane than me pulled in my drive way at precisely 4:20. I grabbed my purse, my list, my sale paper, and her a cup of coffee, and here I went: to war! I have only gone shopping on Friday morning after Thanksgiving one time in 23 years of marriage, and this morning about 4:45, I remembered why. There were people coming from every direction and I could plainly see the look of a definite mission and determination in their eyes. I don't believe I was as gung ho over checking off my list as they were. There were buggies and people to my left, to my right, to my rear, and in front of me. We were hip to hip and shoulder to shoulder! My list consisted of 6 gifts; I came home with 3. Why, you ask? Well, while I was in line waiting for my turn at one of the gifts, three of the other items sold out! I did accomplish marking off 3 people, so I guess that counts for something, right? Chrissy had way tooo much fun. I wasn't grouchy or anything, but I just wasn't quite as chipper and excited as she was. She would go do it again tomorrow. Me: I have a plan now. January 1, 2009, I will start saving all my change and by December, 2009, I will have enough change to roll to make up for the savings of shopping the day after Thanksgiving. Now, if you are like Chrissy, and that is your idea of excitement and fun; more power to you, but come next year, this ole gal will be home in her nice warm bed until at least daylight, and then, need be, you can find me on-line or on the phone placing my orders while I sip my coffee and sit around in my robe. There were some pleasant-peaceful moments this morning: I didn't have to wait in line at the check out counter, I saved around $75 dollars in all, and the best part is I was with my friend. Oh, and breakfast at Huddle House wasn't too bad either! Happy day after Thanksgiving! How 'bout a turkey sandwich?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Day by George

Someones in the kitchen with momma!

Checking moms blog!

Where is The Food Network when you need them?

Racing on ps.

Pa Pa James and his youngins.

apple pie

apple dumplings

The day is almost gone now. I have cooked, I have eaten, I have cooked, I have eaten, and I'm so full I could pop right now! Just being honest for a second. The best thing about today was our family being home and together. I had put Mr. Turkey in the oven last night before I went to bed, so that job was finished when I got up this morning. I had made lots of tea and a grape salad yesterday as well. So, when my feet hit the floor this morning, I began putting all of the other food for the day together. My bunch came to the kitchen and asked what they could do, so I put them all three to work. We had some sadness today. The phone rang this morning and we got the news that one of our church members mothers passed away this morning, and then my mother called and said she was running a fever so she wasn't going to come. I was a bit disappointed, but I know she couldn't help it. My daddy came and we enjoyed eating our meal with him. I have so much to be thankful for; I could never think to name everything, but I'm sooo overwhelmed at how God just keeps blessing and blessing me, and He keeps teaching me and guiding me each day. If you've read my blog at all, you know I'm wild about my family and friends, and that I'm thankful for salvation through the blood of Jesus, and I'm thankful for my church, nature, and little things. I pray you all had a day of joy and that you just took a bit of time to reflect on how good God is. Happy Thanksgiving 2008.


Psalm 100

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.

Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.

Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves:

we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture,

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise:

be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the Lord is good;

his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Morning, 1997

Cale, age 4
Noelle, age 9


Do you know what today is??? It's THANKSGIVING EVE and I'm soooo excited! I went grocery shopping yesterday afternoon for everything I will need for tomorrow, so I'm set, all except for the actual cooking of the meal. My menu is in stone now. Here it is:

Dressing (we prefer chicken dressing)
Cranberry sauce
Candied sweet potatoes
Creamed Potatoes (especially for Cale)
Peas (purple hull & english)
Cole slaw
Corn bread
Grape Salad
Apple Pie (requested by Noelle)
Apple Dumplings (requested by Scot & Cale)

And I say... YUM-YUM!

I am posting two of the recipes I will prepare tomorrow. You might enjoy making these sometime for your family. The apple dumpling recipe was posted at an earlier date. Just click on recipes at my side bar. By the way.... Happy Thanksgiving Eve By George!

Grape Salad
5 cups seedless grapes
1 8 oz. cream cheese, softened
1 8 oz. sour cream
1 cup conf. sugar
Cream sour cream, cream cheese, and sugar. Stir in grapes until coated.
Pour in bowl or oblong dish.
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup chopped nuts (walnuts or pecans)
Mix topping ingred. together and sprinkle over the grape
mixture. Chill and serve!
Fresh Apple Pie
(this is my mothers recipe)
2 cups finely chopped apples
1/2 teaspoon allspice
1 unbaked pie shell
3/4 cup sugar
3 tablespoons flour
1 egg, beaten
1 stick margerine, melted
Mix apples and allspice together and place in unbaked pie shell.
Combine sugar and flour, stir in beaten egg and margerine.
Pour over apples and bake at 325 for 1 hour.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008



Monday, November 24, 2008


Today is the 24th day of my thanksliving posts. I'm so glad I thought about doing these thanksliving moments because I have started noticing more things around me on a daily basis. I told someone the other day that blogging is my therapy. I know these posts have helped me more than they have my readers. I have always tried to be thankful and I've always gotten kicks out of little things, but the entire month of November has just been extra blessed this year due to me posting special things each day about autumn and Thanksgiving, and just special blessings that occur from day to day. Today, I have thought about my menu for Thanksgiving day. My parents are coming to eat lunch with us. They are bringing dressing, corn, and I'm not sure what else. I think I will cook turkey, candied sweet potatoes, creamed potatoes (for Cale),
fried okra, peas, cornbread and rolls. Noelle is in here suggesting apple pie for dessert. Hmm, we'll see. I'm excited about the holiday, probably more this year than ever before. Well, come to think of it, 24 years ago, when Scot and I were dating over the phone (he lived in Texas & Louisiana), we hadn't seen each other in over a month, and he was coming home Thanksgiving Eve, so I have to say that was a pretty anticipated Thanksgiving.
So today, I guess my thanksliving moment would be for little things in life that are such big blessings to me, just like these posts.
And from my heart, without details, I thank God for his watch and care over my family, and for hearing and answering my prayers.


I HAVE HAD A GLORIOUS DAY!!! Our Sun. morning service at church was wonderful this morning. He may be my husband, but he's also my pastor; and I just have to say that my pastor preached a great message this morning. It was a huge help to me. He read Isaiah 29:15 through 24. He brought out such good points about hiding sin, denying and forgetting God, putting forth as much effort and time in things of God as we do worldly things. He told us to keep up the time that we talked about things such as football, hunting, or whatever it is that interest us, and to compare that time with our prayer time, Bible study, and inviting others to church and witnessing. He also said that we as Christians do what we want to. If we want to be faithful to church, we are. If we want to read our Bible, we do. If we want to witness, we do. If we want to pray, we do. (and so forth) That is sooo true. That is just a little tid bit of his sermon, but that is what stood out to me that I need to improve on.

I went to an ordination service at Old Paths Baptist Church. Bro. James Segars was being ordained to preach. Eudell Crane, Joe Chumbley, Kim Wells, Stanley Page, Horace Stepp, Ronald Gober, and Reggie Segars were being ordained as deacons. It was a very sweet and touching service. I have known all of these men except Stanley all of my life, and I've known him for probably 20 years. Stanley is such a good man, one of the friendliest people I've ever met. (I apologize for not getting his and Terri's pic. I thought I did. I was sitting in the back, trying to not make a scene taking some pictures.) Eudell is like an uncle to me; a very precious man in my life, and Mr. Chumbley and I have some wonderful memories from church and school. I saw people from my home church and family and friends I rarely see, so it was just a wonderful time for me to witness the ordination and to see people that have been such bright spots in my life.

I came home just in time for everyone to jump in the van and head to the Community Thanksgiving service at First Baptist. The community choir practice was at 4. The choir was awesome!!! I had so much fun!

Stephanie and Brandon came home with us. We all ate supper, then played scattergories until 10 o'clock. We had sooo much fun. And by the way, filly ( a girl horse) is spelled with an 'f', not 'ph'. YAYYY FOR ME!!! Had to be here! And a car part that begins with 'f' is a fuel gage thingy. They made me mark that one out.

We had a super busy weekend, and I am a pooped momma, but so much happened that will forever be etched in my mind. God is so generous to give me such happy memories to think upon. There goes that warm, mushy feeling in my heart again.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Cale & Clay pose in between games.
Cale with friends Clay, Julie, & Olivia
Sam, Jimmy, Roan

Leah with a tractor. She and Sam enjoyed playing tractors

in the living room while the big kids......

played pool in Cale's room.

I'm thankful for a good time with the Johnsons.
It was a blessing to have them in our home.

Friday, November 21, 2008


Chrissy, Zack, & Tristen
Tristen & Cale Bo

The card gang!

The grandchildren.
Cale, Tristen, Noelle, Chrissy, and the one fighting and hiding her face is Meagan! (she hates pictures, but I told her she might as well get over it!)ha.

We ate supper at Scot's parents house last night. They deep fried whole chickens and had lots of veggies, homemade rolls, pound cake (from scratch), fruit soup, and I carried a bread pudding. The kids (young and old) played cards after supper. The rest of us looked at some older pictures that Nora Ann had downloaded on cd's. They looked really neat on the tv. Kim and I had a different hair style every year! (some were doozies) ha. Back to our supper; we were celebrating our niece (Kim's oldest daughter) Chrissy's birthday. She is 23 years old today! She is married to Zack and they have a 2 year old little boy, Tristen. Happy Birthday Chrissy! We were also celebrating Scot's (older) sister Kim's birthday. She will be *** the 25th. Happy Birthday Kim!

So, today, I am thankful for my husbands family. I love being a George.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Many Fall Seasons Ago

I'd Rather Have Jesus

This song is Noelle's favorite. It comes to my mind today. Enjoy. Let the words soak into your heart.

I'd Rather Have Jesus

1st Verse
I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold;
I'd rather be His than have riches untold;
I'd rather have Jesus than houses and lands.
I'd rather be led by his nail-pierced hand.

Than to be the king of a vast domain or be held in sin's dread sway;
I'd rather have Jesus than anything This world affords today.

2nd verse
I'd rather have Jesus than men's applause,
I'd rather be faithful to His dear cause;
I'd rather have Jesus than world-wife fame.
I'd rather be true to His holy name.

3rd verse
He's fairer than lilies of rarest bloom;
He's sweeter than honey from out the comb;
He's all that my hungering spirit needs.
I'd rather have Jesus and let Him lead.

(Mrs. Rhea F. Miller, George B. Shea)


This morning my heart is just all warm and gooey feeling with an extra appreciation and love for the dear friends God has so richly blessed me with. I'm thinking of Prov. 17:17, A friend loveth at all times... and 18:25, A man that hath friends must show himself friendly....

I can't remember a time in my life that I haven't had friends! Friends come to us sometimes in such odd and unexpected ways. For instance, I have friends now that I had never heard of just 3 short months ago. We have met such precious people through pastoring and through homeschooling activities. There are those people that immediately when you meet them, there is just that kindred spirit there and you connect. Then, there are others that you think you don't connect with that end up being so dear to your heart. And then there are those friendships that we've had for many-many years, and although distance keeps us apart, when we do get together or talk via phone, email, etc., it's just like one sentence stopped years ago and the next sentence just picks up where we left off. I am very hesitate to name names on my post because there is no way I can list every one of my friends here and I would never desire to leave anyone out. But, I will say that I have been overjoyed lately to reconnect with some old and very dear friends and that it brings that warm gooey feeling to my heart that I mentioned at the beginning of this post. I have to throw this in here though; I love all my friends, but through the years, I know I have let my friends down, usually through my ignorance, but nevertheless, let them down; and I have had friends that have let me down or disappointed me. This is why I felt the need to say that; we are all human. I have a friend Jesus who has never let me down, He has never disappointed me, He has never forsaken me, He has never moved away from me, He has never been too busy, He has never been uninterested in me, and He has loved me and cared for me at my very worst! Now-that is a friend!!!! I highly recommend my friend Jesus to you. His grace and mercy are truly amazing. Today, I am truly thankful for all my friends. God has used you to bless my life much more than most of you could ever imagine. I try to be a good friend, but being the sinner(saved by God's grace) that I am, I am limited in love, help, comfort, etc.,but Jesus is not limited. The rest of the verse in Prov. 18:24 says, and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


One of the wives sent this dish to the mens fellowship Sat. night. The men were all bragging on it. I haven't made this yet, but since so many of the men were talking about it, I figure it's got to be good. I plan to make it soon.

Apple Dumplings

2 apples

1 can crescent rolls

1 cup orange juice

1 cup sugar

1 stick butter


Slice apples and roll up in crescent rolls; place in pan and sprinkle with cinnamon. Melt butter, sugar, orange juice; pour this mixture of syrup over rolls. Place in oven on 350 degrees until brown. The recipe says that you can add pecans to mixture and serve with ice cream while hot.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fun at the George

I am multi-tasking, reading and fishing! ha.
Yesterday, Cale, Noelle, and I rode the 4-wheeler to the pond to try to get a good picture to use on Christmas cards. We had a ball! The pictures I have posted will not be used for our cards, but these are some of the pictures we made just for the fun of it! Cale loves to fish, Noelle loves to read, so I decided to be cute and do both! We were nearly frozen when we got home. I made coffee, and we all ran warm water over our hands to get warm. The ride over there and back was alot of fun too. Cale had to go slow to make sure we didn't mess up our hair, but with 3 of us riding, it was quite an experience. We took a bag with a comb, hairspray, a towel in case we needed to wipe off the old boat, lipstick, etc. We just had the best time! I will post a picture of our Christmas card when I get them made.